What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That might be true for some people but not for others. My life experience was always up and down but over all successful, full of different experiences and new challenges. From quiet traumatising childhood to a strong and independent entrepreneur. I feel like in age of 28 my life just started. Full of ambitions and fire in my heart to work on myself and experience everything that human possible can. Learn about life, relationships, business and finding purpose of my life.
This blog is about my life , about my personal experience, about my mistakes and right decisions, about being girl and woman in 21st Century. This is story of my life from my subjective and objective view.
Every post in this blog is true story.
I am writing this blog for myself as a therapeutic tool. I am sure, that a lot of people can relate to my experience, can get inspired or say... Omg, I am so grateful for my life experience.
Enjoy the ride...
