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The Great Grandma's Tragedy & Taste of Communism

Writer: wakishakwakishak

The Second World War wasn't that far in the history. When I was learning about it in the school, it felt like a millions of years ago but later on I actually realised, that it was just 1 lifetime away.

At the age of 9 my grandma experienced direct hit of a bomb, that landed at her house.

the roof fell on her and she survived only thanks to the table in the kitchen, where she quickly jumped to hide.

At that time Czech Republic was under communism from Russia and nobody could leave or enter the country. Import and export was rare so the country had to survive with what they had. The Government managed to run big factories, that was making everything needed as a clothing, furniture and food. The ideology was, that every person in the country will have job, apartment (I call it rabbit cage), and astes needed for their comfortable living. However in the good old days, they were making only 3 kinds of each product, so when you entered other rabbit cages, everyone got the same stuff. For modern living and designers point of view total disaster. This was pretty bad but not the worst. If you were supporting the ideology, you got a nice house and good living. The rebels who wanted freedom and democracy they locked in prison and shooted into their blood stream relaxants so they were quiet. They also took house of them and everything important for living. If anyone wanted tropical fruit like bananas or oranges, they had book, where was written from the government how many peaces they are allowed to get per family. They were standing long hours in line to get some.

Czechoslovakian President had three General Secretaries of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. My Grandma's mum was "right arm" of Gustav Husak - One of the three General Secretaries. Big deal right. (My grandma kept her mum's medals and letter signed from Husak personally in the cupboard locked down and did show me when I was younger).

My grandma was growing in strong communistic family with her mum, dad and sister. Her dad died early with cancer and she was running all family on her own. She also had a lot of animals from chickens and rabbis to geese and pigs. It was a lot of work so my grandma finished study early and went to work so she could support the family. She was chef in speed dinner and she also did a lot of work with the animals. Because they needed a male help, her mum invited a local young man to help them. Because they needed him there full time, my grandma married him. He showed not to be the best guy and soon the marriage became a nightmare. My grandma's husband liked to drink and going to strippers and chased prostitutes while she was looking after the house and family. she was in one house with a husband, who was physically attacking her and mentally abusing. He ended up raping her.

And that is how my mum came into this world...

After long years my grandma got divorced.

She never wanted to see any man in her life.

She had 3 jobs to be able to support her 4 children and herself !

Later he hurt his leg and that got badly infected. When got worse, he must amputate his leg.

During amputation he died.

She also suffered trauma and it effected her mental health until the day I was born and beyond...




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